This section will describe the services offered by Celestial Code Astrology. Additionally this portion of the website will offer classes and/or tutorials supplementary to astrological subjects.
Until the business is set up which won't be for several months, a FREE limited interpretation service will be offered (beginning Nov 4, 2024) This service is only for inquiries regarding a previously computed natal chart, a copy of which can be emailed to me for analysis., It is limited to one question per natal chart. I am a spiritually oriented astrologer and my experience is with psychological and spiritual interpretation.
There is no charge for this service. Send only your natal chart, question you want answered, and your email. Depending on how many inquiries received at about the same time, you should receive a reply in approx 10-30 days. Send your chart and question to:
If you want to understand your natal chart from a psychological or spiritual perspective, please consider this temporary service provided at no charge. Inquiries must concern an accurately computed natal chart. The accuracy of the chart is dependent on birth time which should be very close to exact.
Business portion of the website is scheduled to commence by August 2025 although that date is subject to change. The free interpretation service will expire at that time or whenever the business is set up. Currently I am awaiting the availability of essential software, whose approximate release date is next summer.
Note: It is possible that a discount may be offered to individuals who have used the free interpretation service prior to ordering a complete natal chart interpretation once the business has started.
I have used Vedic Astrology for about 30 years and find it superior to the Western system. I've used Western Astrology for longer than that. My technique is to combine both systems for synthesizing a composite of the native's character, abilities and challenges. This means I analyze the astrological map outpictured in the charts represented in both systems and combine an understanding of each system into a coherent synthesis.
My method is to give greater weight to the Vedic charts, but I do not neglect the Western chart. It gives me a valuable initial overview of the individual's energy field. And I find a way to integrate the Western and Vedic charts. So that the essential energy message, signaled via both systems, is thoroughly taken into consideration.
An individual's energy configuration, as indicated in their natal chart, is the out- picturing of the native's personal energy signature. It is the energy of the aura. The word native is a term indicating the individual referenced by the natal chart.
This type of analysis isn't easy to do. Astrological interpretation is a complex procedure designed to produce a fairly accurate assessment of the individual's energy configuration. Even interpreting the single western natal chart describing the native's energy is quite challenging. Astrology is a complicated language and it usually takes several decades of experience learning to associate the appropriate meanings of the planetary relationships in combination. I use 3 charts in my interpretation.
The 3 charts I use are the western natal chart, the vedic natal chart and the vedic navamsa chart. Natal charts are computed directly from the supplied birth data. The navamsa, on the other hand, is a very special vedic chart which indicates the native's spiritual evolution and associated proclivities.
The analytical procedure I employ is first to get an overview of the western natal chart. I examine the planetary relationships, strong and weak houses, and the predominant signs. After I get a general feeling for the energies employed in the western chart, I then look at the navamsa vedic chart. I want to know what the individual is doing spiritually, what their spiritual path is. The navamsa doesn't tell me the religion that a native embraces or the spiritual techniques they may employ. It is more general than that in my opinion. However there are vedic astrologers who are way more experienced than I am and their capabilities exceed mine.
Let me say at the outset that I do not have any inherent ability or experience teaching telepathy. I believe there is only the ability to do it, as opposed to having a clue how it is properly taught. Some of us with the memory of how to use this capability . . . believe there is an urgent global need to learn telepathy at this time in our human evolution. With the progression of this tutorial, my position will be amplified.
As a newly motivated instructor, I will give it my best shot, but the student must understand from this point on, you will have to do most of the work . . . If you want to actualize your latent ability. I will attempt to provide the nudge and you will have to engage in dredging up the talent. Bringing it to a conscious level where it can be effectively and successfully utilized. It is my intent to familiarize prospective students with the basic features of this (mostly) subconscious ability.
Please be advised that in my experience, everyone has telepathic ability. However most of us have forgotten how to use this capacity. My intent here is to facilitate memory of an ability carried in your human DNA, which all of us undoubtedly possess to some extent. My perspective is that you already possess this capacity; you simply require inspiration and encouragement to employ it. Whether I am suitably equipped to empower the student in this regard remains to be seen. As previously stated, all I can do is encourage you to try. That said, we will begin.
Without providing a detailed and irrelevant discussion regarding my well thought out intent for this class, let me say that as a lifelong student of astrology, I believe in ET. Both the positive and the negative variety. It is very possible that the positive ETs are here now and that they are not only in observation, discovery and recording mode. They are possibly here to assist, embolden, and uplift us.
ET may be here to communicate with us. We perhaps need to know how to listen to their advice and guidance, if we are to successfully navigate this phase of our physical and spiritual evolution. Indeed if we are to survive, as a species, the enormous challenges confronting us at this time. Evolutionarily it is conceivable that we are at a fork in the road and have only two options presently available to us: Terminate or become stronger.
The Become Stronger approach arguably involves facilitating a quantum leap. One aspect of that quantum leap is to learn the universal language of nearly all ETs: Telepathy. We need to empower ourselves to communicate with the helpful and positive ETs. Whatever it takes, innovation, resourcefulness, and commitment as well as utilizing technological devices when applicable.
It has been determined that the concept of Energy Signatures is fundamentally essential to telepathy. I believe the primary reason that the positive ETs have come to our aid is because the negative ETs are lawbreakers and they have established a foothold here on Earth. The lawbreakers need stopping to whatever extent the positive ETs are able to force them into submission, or into taking leave of our Solar System.
However the positive ETs will not act against the will of Earth humans. They require our active cooperation. They will in no way overpower or control us, as that is against their directives (in my opinion). It is thoroughly plausible that communication between ET and humanity is a win-win proposition and it may, in fact, be necessary. Of course there are other reasons for learning to employ telepathy, but that is probably the most compelling one.
The ability of recognizing Energy Signatures is prerequisite to the development and memory of how to use telepathic capacity. Everything in the natural world has an energy signature. It is the energetic equivalent of our DNA, our energetic and electronic blueprint, and it can be psychically perceived. It is a skill that is not only sensing and activating, it is also evaluating the circumstances. We are using our perceptual radar for sensing the elements of contact.
We should be cultivating situational awareness. In order to protect ourselves, we have to know what we are encountering on an unseen level, we have to learn to evaluate it. We have to be sensitive to what a telepathic contact feels like. It should be something that feels positive, necessary, and (mostly) enjoyable. To this end, we must endeavor to develop our ability of discernment. We engage with the honest and positive, we disengage with the manipulative and negative.
We need to be wise and avoid being frivolous or careless.
This must absolutely be understood and successfully incorporated into our behavior pattern and perceptual skills. Otherwise there is no benefit in going further, as it could be potentially dangerous. It is of utmost importance that we learn to recognize and thoroughly disengage from negative energies and possible mental manipulation.
In order to do this, we must become very adept at recognizing energy signatures and also knowing how to disengage from the negative variety.
Have you ever sensed the presence of a deceased friend or family member? Or felt that they want to convey a message to you? If so, you have recognized their energy signature, their unique energy frequency which only they have. This energy signature identifies them and only them. Sometimes there are counterfeits and also you may encounter synthetic AI simulated telepathy. If you come across either of these, and vaguely sense you've connected with negative energy, you should immediately terminate the connection.
If there is any doubt, trust your instinct and discontinue contact.
Often when we remember someone, we are not only thinking of their appearance, we are also recalling their energy signature, what they feel like to us. The way they affect us emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This is their unique energy field, energy signature, and energy identity.
Learning telepathy is basically learning to be sensitive to energy: Signatures, frequencies and fields. We pay attention to how a stimulus or a person is making us feel. As we probe into our perceptions and bodily sensations, we will eventually arrive at a more or less accurate notion of the energy configuration. While we may not be exactly able to visualize it, or even conceptualize it, we do know how it feels. So we are working with the way a subject or situation feels to us.
As you become more experienced with recognizing energy signatures, you will know that they are specific to an individual or lifeform, like a pet for example. Pets are often sensitive and quite capable of warning their owners when they could be in danger. We may feel a vague urge to avoid a particular situation or place as the result of a telepathic warning from a beloved pet. If we probe deeply into this vague feeling, we may sense our pet's energy signature and their concern for our well being at that moment.
Learning to recognize energy signatures is mostly a matter of being aware that they exist. From there, you will need to investigate and discovers personal examples of subtle communications or events in which you had a subconscious hint of the energy signature of the being who connected with you. Or you may intend to send a special person the message that you love and miss them. How are you able to send such a message and direct it specifically to that one individual? You can imagine their appearance, yes you can do that.
But possibly, you are also remembering how they felt the last time they hugged you. Remembering how they felt is remembering their energy signature. How people feel to us is something we are probably thinking about all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. Perhaps all of us, at one time or another, have sent or received a telepathic message of love from someone about whom we care deeply.
Such telepathic messages are targeted and directed to specific energy frequencies, sent to the energy signature of the one we love or received from the one who loves us. When we are receptive to receiving a telepathic message of love, we invariably know who it came from. Not only do we know they are the only one who would send such a message, we have also unconsciously recognized their energy signature . . . because their message is sent on a carrier wave, and that carrier wave is their energy signature. Which is very familiar to us.
We can learn to recognize energy signatures of people who are not at all familiar to us, just from having been in contact with them only once. However this may take some practice to work up to that level . . . to even be interested and adept at recognizing energy signatures. It may take lots of practice. Then again, maybe you already know how it is done. In any event, it is hoped that you will at least give it a try.
Thoughts are invisible energy fields, sort of like radio waves. A router will pick up internet enabling radio waves broadcast from the local cell tower and transmit those signals to your computer and other electronic devices. How is the router able to do this? While it isn't necessary to identify the components or know how they function . . the system probably has something to do with radio sensitive electronic hardware in the router that is capable of both receiving the signal and then generating or transmitting that signal to your computer.
Bottom line: The router is capable of both sending and receiving signals. Telepathy functions in much the same way. Humans and animals are capable of both sending and receiving thoughts, which are like energy waves or frequency signals. And thoughts are invisible energy, somewhat like radio frequencies transmitted from cell towers. Subsequently those signals are picked up and received by a router or wifi sensitive device like a hotspot.
Consider the following example which many humans have experienced in various ways without understanding exactly what is going on. Let's say you are in your home and you are in the living room looking for your glasses. While sitting on the living room sofa, you remember that you left your glasses in the bedroom which is down the hall and on the right. As you get off the sofa and proceed down the hall, you forget why you are moving in the direction of the bedroom.
You do know that you had a thought while on the sofa. In an attempt to retrieve the thought you recently had and remember why you needed to go to the bedroom, you return to the sofa which was the exact location where the thought originally occurred to you. Magic! As soon as you get near the sofa, you remember exactly why you were headed to the bedroom, it was to retrieve your glasses which you left there.
This is an example of returning to the vicinity of where the thought frequency still resides. It resides near the sofa because that is where you generated the thought of knowing where you put your glasses. That thought is still there in the form of invisible energy, whose signal you readily picked up when you moved back into the vicinity where the thought was originally transmitted out into the air.
However telepathy is actually more like quantum pairing. Distance is no problem for most telepathic transmission and reception. Occasionally it may help to be relatively close to the individual you are mentally communicating with, but usually it doesn't matter. They could be on Alpha Centauri while you are on Earth, and you can easily communicate with each other - if the intent and capability are present for both individuals.
Now if you believe that, how amazing is telepathic communication! Perhaps you can understand why the majority of ET civilizations use telepathy to communicate. Telepathy is a truly universal language. It may be speculated that telepathy was the original language employed by all of humanity before the mythical biblical Tower of Babel confused everyone by the inventing of hundreds or thousands of languages that separated people from each other. Perhaps now we will be reversing that trend.
An individual's personal experience as well as the knowledge accumulated from that experience and from their education is what I call 'databanks'. It is the knowledge and wisdom you have available to you when you think and communicate. Obviously two lifeforms mentally communicating with each other will have different databanks. Wherever there is an overlap, a commonality of experience and knowledge, there is the possibility of mentally connecting. Wherever there is no overlap in databanks, there is little possibility of connecting.
It is relatively important to keep this in mind when mentally communicating with someone. For example, if their scientific expertise is far in advance of your own, there will be no simple way of facilitating a transfer of information from that person's technological and scientific knowledge to your own brain cells. Technology may provide a way, but then it will not be natural or simple. And neither of you may have access to such marvelous technology.
Thus far the telepathic terrain has been generally described as well as zeroing in on the basic fundamental you will be required to master: Recognizing energy signatures. The ability to read energy frequencies is the essential skill necessary for telepathic exchanges. Another prerequisite of telepathy is emotional honesty.
You may find yourself communicating in unfamiliar ways and with unfamiliar beings. Many of your telepathic partners will be more evolved, some less evolved, and some will be simply very different from yourself.
In every case, you will be required to present yourself in an honest and sincere fashion. Effective telepathy allows no room for guile. There is something about this form of communication which renders the participants emotionally transparent to each other. Authentic telepathy is a very straightforward and streamlined form of communication.
The negative form of telepathy lacks transparency and is one way of discerning a counterfeit or an artificially generated mental intrusion. The other main way negative telepathy can be discerned is that it has no emotional depth, it is superficial and has a rather plastic quality to it.
Nevertheless be forewarned that negative telepathy can be extremely hard to identify. There are some talented counterfeits who mimic the authentic person they are posing as very skilfully. Eventually something just seems "off" with the contact and you will figure out a way to effectively disengage once you catch on.
You will definitely find it necessary to be emotionally honest with yourself and with your telepathic partner. If you are not able to be emotionally honest, your mental communication will be far less effective. In fact, there will be no point in it. Without emotional honesty, you would be wasting the time of your telepathic partner who will probably see right through your attempt to present yourself as something other than you are.
Beings capable of engaging in telepathic contact are generally very straightforward. If you find yourself engaging with a being more evolved than yourself, they will undoubtedly perceive exactly what you are and there is no point in trying to appear otherwise.
1. Clear Intent
Know the Content and Purpose of Initiating Contact
2. Learn How to Recognize Energy Signatures
3. Know the Name of Your Telepathic Partner
4. Train Yourself to Ruthlessly Protect Your Psychic Space
Do Not Tolerate Mental Manipulation or Counterfeits
5. Cultivate Emotional Honesty
6. Be Polite and Considerate of Your Telepathic Partner
7. Learn To Be Sensitive and Responsive to Telepathic Contact
Learn How to Scan (discussion later)
8. Express Appreciation for the Telepathic Exchange
9. Realize There Are No Do-Overs in Telepathy
Get It Right the First Time and Make Corrections As You Go
10. Learn to Avoid Telepathic Shouting (Modulate Intensity)
Clear intent is self explanatory. Either you have a legitimate purpose for initiating contact or you don't. Endeavor to be wise and avoid being frivolous.
We have gone over recognizing energy signatures in detail. You will find it necessary to know the name of your telepathic partner for further association with that being.
Out of necessity you will learn, with practice, to avoid those who would seek to mentally abuse or take advantage of you. Empower yourself to acquire stringent means of efficiently disposing with negative mental intruders. Unfortunately this is something you will have to learn on your own and it will take much practice as well as courage.
Telepathy involves opening yourself up mentally and emotionally. You will probably eventually find yourself in a situation where you will need to forcefully protect yourself and efficiently dispose of a mental intruder. Be prepared for that eventuality and plan accordingly.
We have gone over emotional honesty and the futility of trying to be other than you really are. Superficiality and deceit usually doesn't work with legitimate telepathic communication.
There is etiquette involved with mental communication, treat your partner with respect.
Learning to be sensitive to telepathic contact will be a work in progress. With practice you will get much better at it.
Show your telepathic partner that you appreciate connecting with them and would enjoy engaging with them again in the future if that is truly the case.
No do-overs. This goes along with clear intent. Telepathic engagement presumes a certain ability to be relatively mature, mostly considerate, emotionally honest, clear and straightforward from the get-go. You should be sincere, earnest and have a fairly good idea what you are doing and why you are doing it. An honest mistake or unintentional disrespect will be forgiven. However an intentional offense, obvious lie or misrepresentation will probably not be given a second chance. That's why no do-overs . . . in general.
If possible learn to avoid telepathic shouting. I must confess that I am guilty of this. Being overly intense is one of the faults I am trying to remedy in myself. Simply be aware that is is possible to shout telepathically and it is better to quietly convey your message than to shout or scream it. Occasionally you may need to give a timely warning and in that event, shouting would of course be appropriate.
Situational awareness is more necessary than it used to be. In the advent of telepathic contact, we need to learn to evaluate the quality of the contact. If you are not already familiar with the technique, you will need to learn how to routinely scan your environment for quality of the energy fields you are encountering as well as those energies targeting you. Most of the time everything will be fine. As you scan, you may detect something unusual, which will necessitate further analysis and probing to ascertain whether it is a friendly telepathic contact or potentially negative energy.
It is probably a habit for those with conscious telepathic ability to routinely scan their environment. From time to time become a bit more sensitive to the energies in your environment. Pay attention to your perceptions and sensations, which are messages from your body. Assess the energies in your environment and determine whether you want to continue exposing yourself to their influence.
Personally I am scanning almost continuously but for most individuals, it isn't necessary. The frequency of your scanning will depend on your need to 'check the mail' (mental communication) and evaluate the safety of your environment. Perhaps a few times an hour is generally sufficient, but however often you engage in scanning should be situationally appropriate.
This is an anticipated FAQ, frequently asked question. The only answer to this question is Practice Practice Practice. Use every available opportunity to practice conscious sending and learn to be on standby for the return current. Very young children are often experts in telepathy.
You can practice your telepathy on babies and young children brought to the stores at which their mothers are shopping. Just a simple message like - How are you doing, are you enjoying shopping with your mother today? If the child starts giggling, they probably received your message. Occasionally you will get a response like - Who are you and why are you here? I love that one because the child is showing interest and skill in mental communication. I just mentally respond - I'm here because there are items that I need to buy in this store.
Obviously everyone has thoughts, feelings, and memories they don't particularly want to share. These conscious impressions will be naturally held apart from your telepathic communication.
However you will also be learning to shield unconscious impressions. These represent submerged energies not fully under your control and awareness by definition. Therefore it may take a month or more of practice to learn how to shield the majority of these unconscious thoughts, feelings, identified and unidentified memories.
Highly evolved beings are usually more perceptive than we are. They will be capable of sensing your evolutionary level and will be able to perceive some of your other characteristics as well - even if you have mastery over shielding those areas. This is because you may neglect to shield subtle thoughts, feelings, recalled or unrecalled events which are not obvious to you, but would be obvious to a more sensitive and advanced being. More evolved beings are adept at reading energy fields and they will be able to read yours.
Mental communication undoubtedly has an emotional component. This component is universally understood and therefore requires no translation, or very little translation. Most telepaths are very respectful; If they sense you are shielding thoughts, feelings or memories, they will try to respect your privacy.
The very nature of telepathy is to be transparent. As a universal form of communication it involves simplicity and elimination of (most) barriers. Communication with a more evolved being than oneself is a treasured experience because they may choose to give you a few valuable tips in accelerating your evolution. They may consent to be your mentor, which is an enormous blessing.
Your mileage may vary, but in my estimation, there is nothing more valuable than contact with an advanced being. If the essential truth of my character is revealed in the process, so be it. The essential truth of their character may likewise be revealed in the process of our ongoing friendship.
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